A "taxi lex" offers for smartphones, and also for plane-tables on a base Android free application with the name "Taxi lex", that will help to do an order straight without participation of controller, and also will help to improve service of taxi in Kyiv .To order to the taxi by means of Android- of smartphone and plane-table very simply. The appendix of "Taxi lex" instantly counts tariff, the nearest car of taxi finds and shows information about him: model and brand of car, time of serve and telephone of driver number. If necessary in comments it is possible to set the specifying parameters of search : presence of conditioner, possibility of courier's delivery.Since you will do an order Your order hundreds of drivers of taxi will begin to see Appendix of "Taxi lex" free of charge and accessible for smartphones, and also plane-tables on a base Android.Who is acquainted with capital life not by hearsay, that knows full surely that without serving as a taxi presenting existence of megalopolis is impossible. Active activity from time to time puts each of us in a situation, when it is necessary very quickly to accept some decisions, somewhere to speed along, accomplish journeys to late time, but a public transport in the capital does not walk at night! It is problematic enough somewhere to get after ten evening. In such situations of service of serving as a taxi invaluable.
In a taxi Kyiv does not know a defect, in the Internet it is possible to find hundreds of announcements. But those, who more or less often uses services of taxi, knows that not always it is simple to find a good ferryman. That, who was in an extraordinarily unpleasant situation, when the call of machine grew into the real problem, knows how it is important to know the numbers of telephones of the good servings as a taxi Kyiv.
Appealing to our serving as a taxi, you certainly will remain content with quality of services. Our controllers spend on treatment of orders minimum
From Ув. Taxi lex